Diagnosing HSP

Your GP maysuspect HSP based onyour symptoms and medical history. To confirm a diagnosis, you may need to be referred to a hospital doctor for the following tests: blood tests to see how well the kidneys are working, or to look for recent signs of infection urine dipstick test this is used to detect traces of blood or protein in the urine, as these are signs of a problem with the kidneys blood pressure tests high blood pressure can also be a sign that the kidneys are affected skin biopsy a very small sample of skin is sent to the laboratory to be examined under a microscope(this is only usually done if the doctor is not certain whether it is HSP) If kidney problems are suspected, an ultrasound scan of your tummy and kidneys may also be carried out and you may have a kidney biopsy. This is where a small sample of kidney cells are removed using a needle that is inserted into your lower back.
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