Causes of scars

Scarring results from the body's natural healing process after body tissue has been damaged. Tissue damage can occur for a number of reasons, including: accidental injuries such as cuts from falling off a bicycle deliberate harm from a weapon or from Self-harm cuts made during surgery such as a Caesarean section birth bites and scratches from animals or people burns and scalds from hot objects or liquids body piercings such as ear or nose piercings injections such as vaccination against tuberculosis ( BCG vaccination ) tattoos Scarring can also be a side effect or a complication of other conditions. For example, if you have a condition that causes a rash, such as chickenpox or acne , you may be left with scars where the rash was (this is more likely to happenif you scratch or pick at the affected areas). It is thought that keloid scarringand hypertrophic scarringmay runin families. This meansyou have an increased risk of developing keloid scarring or hypertrophic scarring if a member of your family has previously had these types of scars. Internal scarring can be caused by injuries or surgery.
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