What problems can it cause?

Most children with nephrotic syndrome have times when their symptoms are under control (remission), followed by times when symptoms return (relapses). In most cases, relapses becomeless frequent as they get older and often stop by their late teens. Some of the main symptoms associated with nephrotic syndrome include: swelling the low level of protein in the blood reduces theflow of water frombody tissues back into the blood vessels, leading to swelling (oedema) . Swelling is usually first noticed around the eyes, then around the lower legs and rest of the body. infections antibodies are a specialised group of proteins in the blood that help to fight infection. When these are lost, children are much more likely to get infections. urine changes occasionally, the high levels of protein being passed into the urine can cause it to become frothy. Some children with nephrotic syndrome may also pass less urine than usual during relapses. blood clots important proteins that help to prevent the blood clotting can be passed out in the urine of children with nephrotic syndrome. This can increase their risk of potentially serious blood clots . During a relapse, the blood also becomes more concentrated, which can lead to clotting.
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