Sinus headache

Symptoms Sinus headaches are usually associated with constant pain and tenderness over the affected sinus. You may feel pressure around eyes, cheeks and forehead. The mucosa of the nose swells, the patient secretes foul-smelling, colored mucous (nasal discharge). Other symptoms may be : Facial swelling Ear sensations or fullness Decreased sense of smell. Perhaps your head throbs. The headache, is exacerbated by tilting the head forward. At times when the condition is prolonged, the patient’s ability to smell is usually affected. Sinusitis usually occurs after a viral upper respiratory infection or cold. This type of pain may be accompanied by sub-febrile temperature, and the inflamed sinus appears darker on an X-ray. Determine the symptoms To determine if the symptoms are due to sinus disease, an examination by a physician may be needed. The vast majority of people who think they are experiencing sinus problems are actually suffering from a vascular type of headache such as migraines or tension headaches. When sinus disease is the cause of the headache, an accompanying fever is often present.

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Medical Author: Dr. med. Diana Hysi