Symptoms of womb cancer

The most common symptom of womb cancer is abnormal bleeding from the vagina, although most people with abnormal bleeding don't have cancer. Bleeding may start as light bleeding accompanied by a watery discharge, which may get heavier over time. Most women diagnosed with womb cancer have been through the Testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism) , so any vaginal bleeding will be unusual. In women who haven't been through the menopause, unusual vaginal bleeding may consist of: periods that are heavier than usual vaginal bleeding in between normal periods Less common symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen (tummy) and pain during sex. If womb cancer reaches a more advanced stage, it may cause additional symptoms. These include: pain in the back, legs, or pelvis loss of appetite tiredness nausea When to seek medical advice If you have postmenopausal vaginal bleeding , or notice a change in the normal pattern of your period, visit your GP. Only1 in 10 cases of unusual vaginal bleeding after the menopause are caused bywomb cancer, so it's unlikely your symptoms will be caused by this condition. However, if you have unusual vaginal bleeding, it's important to get the cause of your symptoms investigated. The bleeding may be the result of a number of other potentially serious health conditions, such as: endometriosis where tissue that behaves like the lining of the womb is found on the outside of the womb fibroids non-cancerous growths that can develop inside the uterus polyps in the womb lining Other types of gynaecological cancer can alsocause unusual vaginal bleeding, particularly cervical cancer . Want to know more? Cancer Research UK: womb cancer symptoms The Eve Appeal: what women need to know about womb cancer (PDF, 2.6Mb) Macmillan: symptoms of womb cancer
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