Treating low blood pressure

Low blood pressure (hypotension) usually only needs to be treated if it's causing symptoms. This involves general lifestyle advice and treating any underlying cause of the condition. If you have naturally low blood pressure and it's not causing any problems, treatment is rarely necessary. General advice The advice outlined belowcan often help limitsymptoms of some of the most common types of hypotension: stand up gradually particularly first thing in the morning. It may also be useful to try other physical movements first to increase your heart rate and the flow of blood around your body. For example, stretching in bed before you get up, or crossing and uncrossing your legs if you're seated and about to stand. avoid standing for long periods of time this can help prevent neutrally mediated hypotension (low blood pressure caused by miscommunication betweenthe heart and brain). wear support stockings sometimes called compression stockings, these are tight-fitting elastic socks or tights. They provide extra pressure to your feet, legs and tummy, which can help improve circulation and increase blood pressure. However, you should speak to your GP before using support stockings as they're not suitable for everyone. avoid caffeine at night, and limit your alcohol intake thiscan help you to avoid becoming dehydrated, which can also cause low blood pressure. eat small, frequent meals rather than large ones this can help prevent postprandial hypotension (low blood pressure after eating). Lying down after eating or sitting still for a while may also help. Increasing your fluid and salt intake Dehydration can cause low blood pressure. This can be easily treated by increasing your fluid and salt intake. Ensuring you drink enough fluid will help by increasing the volume of your blood, whichincreases your blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, you may benefit from having more salt in your diet. Your GPcan advise how much additional salt you need and whether you can add salt to your usual food or take salt tablets. Don't add extra salt to your diet without seeing your GP first. Changing your medication If your GP suspects your medicationis causing low blood pressure, theymayalter your dose or advise using an alternative medication. Your blood pressure should be monitored while you're taking medicationand any changes should be noted. Tell your GP if you're experiencing side effects from taking medication. Treating underlying conditions If your GP suspects your low blood pressure is caused by an underlyinghealth condition, you may be referred to hospital for further tests and treatment. For example, if your low blood pressure is related to hormone problems, you may be referred to a specialist called an endocrinologist who may prescribe hormone replacement medication. See causes of low blood pressure for more information. Medication for low blood pressure Very few people are prescribed medication for low blood pressure. The symptoms of hypotension canusually be treated by making the above changes to your lifestyle and, in particular, by increasing your fluid and salt intake. If medication is necessary, it will usually be medicine to expand the volume of your blood or narrow your arteries. Your blood pressure will increaseas there will be more blood flowing through a smaller space.
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