Treating a minor head injury

You can usually recover froma minor head injury at home but keep an eye out for any new symptoms that might develop. If your child experiences a knock, bump or blow to the head, sit them down, comfort them, and make sure they rest. You can hold a cold compress to their head try a bag of ice or frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel. Seek immediate medical advice if symptoms such as mild dizziness and a headache get worse. . Advice for adults If you have a minor head injury: ask someone to stay with you and keep within easy reach of a telephone and medical help for the first 48 hours after the injury have plenty of rest and avoid stressful situations don't drink alcohol or take recreational drugs don't take sleeping pills, sedatives or tranquillisers (unless they're prescribed by your doctor) take paracetamol if you have a mildheadache, but avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) , such as ibuprofen and aspirin, unless advised or prescribed by a doctor don't play contact sport, such as football or rugby, for at least three weeks without talking to your doctor don't return to work, college or school until you've completely recovered and feel ready don't drive a car, motorbike or bicycle or operate machinery until you've completely recovered When to seek medical attention Go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department if you develop any of the symptoms listed above. See your GP for advice if you still have symptoms two weeks after the head injury or you're unsure about driving or returning to work. Advice for children If your child has a minor head injury: give them paracetamol if they have a mild headache, but avoid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin (aspirin should never be given tochildren under the age of 16) avoid getting them too excited don't have too many visitors don't let them play contact sports, such as football or rugby, for at least three weeks without talking to your doctor make sure they avoid rough play for a few days When to seek medical attention Take your child to A&E if their symptoms worsen or they develop any new symptoms. See your GP for advice if your child still has symptoms two weeks after the head injury, or you're unsure about them returning to school or sport.
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