If your waters have broken

If your waters have broken (called preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes, P-PROM), there's an increased risk of infection for you and your baby. You'll be offered: antibiotics to take for a maximum of 10 days, or until labour starts – whichever is sooner tests for infection, which may include blood and urine tests P-PROM doesn't definitely mean you're going into labour. You may be able to go home if there's no infection and you don't go into labour within 48 hours. If you go home, you'll be advised to tell your midwife immediately if: your temperature is raised (a raised temperature is usually over 37.5C but check with your midwife – they may need you to call before it gets to 37.5C). You should take your temperature every four hours when you're awake any fluid coming from your vagina (called vaginal loss) is coloured or smelly you bleed from your vagina your baby's movements slow down or stop
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