Seeing your GP

Your GP will try to determine whether the cause of the blood in your semen is likely to be serious or not. They'll need to consider a number of things, such as: how many times you've noticed blood in your semen whether you have any other symptoms your age your medical history They may also need to carry out a number of simple tests, including: checking your blood pressure an examination of your genitals and abdomen (tummy) a rectal examination (where your doctor inserts a finger into your bottom) urine and blood tests If you're younger than 40, have only noticed blood in your semen once or twice, and tests don't suggest you have a serious underlying condition, youshouldn't need a hospital referral. However, if you're over 40, have persistent or recurrent symptoms, or tests have suggested a potentially serious underlying cause, your GP should refer you to a urologist (specialist who treats problems of the urinary system). A further assessment with a urologist may involve having a biopsy of your prostate gland or ascan, such as an ultrasound scan .
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