Treatments for warts and verrucas

Most warts and verrucas will eventually clear up without treatment. They can be removed with over-the-counter treatments, but these can be time consuming, painful and don't always work. Pharmacy treatments include: creams, gels, skin paints and medicated plasters containing salicylic acid these burn the top layer of affected skin cold sprays containing dimethyl ether propane these freeze the wart, but they're not thought to work as well as salicylic acid There'snot enoughevidence to suggest applying duct tape to a wart or verruca works, so this isn't generally recommended. Always check the leaflet that comes with the medication to check it's suitable and to see how to use it. Ask a pharmacist if you're not sure. Salicylic acid needs to be applied every day. Before using it: soak the wart in water for about five minutes to soften it apply petroleum jelly to theskin around the wart to protect it once a week, gently file the wart down a little using an emery board While you have a wart or verruca, you should also take steps to avoid passing it to others .
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